Internal Investigations and Compliance

Supporting your organization across all types of workplace investigations

Capabilities at a glance

  • Deep and broad experience on employer compliance, advising national, regional and local employers, from well-established blue chips to startups.
  • For organizations looking to get ahead of potential problems, we regularly conduct internal compliance audits and recommend changes to reduce or eliminate potential exposure.
  • Support before, during and after governmental investigations across the full range of federal, state and local agencies and regulations.
  • Holistic legal support to keep your business compliant and risk-minimized, from preemptive internal investigations through litigation, when necessary.

Shared purpose with clients on employment investigations

When allegations of improper workplace activity are made, employers must act quickly, effectively and responsibly. A prompt and thorough workplace investigation is often the key to effectively remedying a situation that may lead to significant employer liability if not properly addressed. Depending on the circumstances, our team may perform fact-finding investigations, make objective written findings or assist clients with strategy if they decide to conduct an internal investigation. At the conclusion of an investigation, we work with clients to implement recommendations. We can also assess client exposure, if any, through ongoing advice and counseling with the goal of minimizing future claims. The stakes for clients in this area are high, going beyond the monetary value of any particular violations, and include the risk of reputational damage in the market and follow-on lawsuits by private plaintiffs.

Skilled employment attorneys with knowledge of a wide range of industries

Our experienced employment attorneys have performed workplace investigations in the most sensitive of circumstances for our clients. We work with our clients when they receive an employee complaint, such as for discrimination, retaliation or sexual harassment, or when they become aware of a situation, such as inappropriate conduct, theft or other serious policy violations that require an investigation to determine the best strategy for responding. Our work on employment investigations and compliance spans all industries, including health care, financial services, manufacturing, transportation, franchising, shipping and logistics. We advise national, regional and local employers, from well-established blue chips with complex business organizations to tech startups that face complex issues around the classification of workers.

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