Amped Up! Practical and Regulatory Considerations for EV Charging

Association of Corporate Counsel
 | 03:00 pm - 04:00 pm Eastern


Many American consumers are amped about purchasing electric vehicles (EVs). Several automakers have announced detailed plans to electrify large portions of their fleets over the next decade, with some announcing goals for fully electrified lineups in as little as five years. This exponential growth in EVs creates a unique opportunity for EV charging infrastructure. According to the Forbes article, The Hidden Investment Opportunity In Electric Vehicles?, it is anticipated that over 18 million electric vehicles are expected to hit the road over the next 10 years. There are 1.6 million electric vehicles currently on the road in the US, but only 40,000 public charging stations have been registered with the U.S. Department of Energy. EV charging stations are and will be in in high demand. There are clear opportunities to capitalize on the installation of charging stations, but what are the blind corners and common issues that arise with ownership, operation, installation, and access? This presentation will cover practical and regulatory considerations related to EV charging.

Note: This event is open to the public vs. ACC's usual members only format. Attendees will need to create an account with ACC to register for the webinar.


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