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Honoring Women’s Health Month: Impactful Legal Developments Affecting Women in the Labor, Employment and Benefits Space

 | 12 - 1 p.m. Central

As we acknowledge and celebrate Women’s Health Month in May, Lindsey Davis and Sarah Sise will present on legal developments in Labor & Employment and Employee Benefits, focusing on issues that are impactful to the lives and health of women. 

Lindsey will discuss employee rights and employer obligations toward pregnant and nursing women under federal law, including under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act. These recently passed laws require employers to offer various accommodations to pregnant women and nursing mothers, including flexible work hours, modified job responsibilities, and break time to express breast milk. She will then address how these laws work in tandem with other federal laws to minimize and address discrimination against women in the workforce.

Sarah will address the continued expansion of medical care services available to women as preventive health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act, and the legal and tax issues involved with family planning benefits offered through employment, including coverage of contraception-related products and prescription drugs, reproductive health services, and fertility benefits. She will also highlight legislative efforts to provide medical services and products to women on a tax-preferred basis, including changes which allow reimbursements for menstrual care products to be available on a tax-free basis under health savings accounts, health reimbursement arrangements and flexible spending accounts. In addition, Sarah will share insights on employer efforts to support women who have progressed to different life stages, starting the discussion around menopausal benefits and policies which support women in parental and extended family caretaker roles. 

Important Information Regarding Changes to Quarles' Continuing Legal Education Process:

Quarles is happy to be able to provide CLE credit in most U.S. jurisdictions for Quarles webinars. As of April 2024, The American Bar Association (ABA) manages the CLE applications, attendance submission, and Certificates of Attendance for our external webinars.

Continuing Legal Education:

Each program in Quarles' two-part Women's Health Month Webinar Series is eligible for 1.0 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states and 1.0 hours of CLE credit in 50-minute states. Credit hours are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Quarles certifies that each activity is approved for California Participatory MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of up to 1.0 general credit. Quarles is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider.

CLE Questions?

If you have questions about the certificate you received (or did not receive) for a program that occurs in April of 2024 or later, please contact the ABA at mcle‑quarles@americanbar.org.

If you have a question about a previous event or need to speak with the Quarles CLE team, please send us an email at QBCLETeam@quarles.com.

General Questions?

Please contact Lauren Klika and Alexa Curto, events@quarles.com.

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