Emily Feinstein and Randy Pflum Secure Another Victory for Pro Bono Client in Sandy Hook Hoaxer Case

News Release

Quarles & Brady attorneys Emily Feinstein and Randy Pflum, both based in Madison, Wis., secured an important victory in the Wisconsin Court of Appeals for pro bono client Lenny Pozner, the father of a child killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

Feinstein, pro bono co-chair of the Madison office, was part of the team that helped Pozner win a defamation suit against James Fetzer, a Sandy Hook denier who collaborated in writing a book arguing the shooting was a hoax designed to promote gun control. Pozner was awarded $450,000, which was upheld by the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and finalized when the Wisconsin Supreme Court declined to hear Fetzer’s appeal last year.

In the latest development in the case, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals affirmed a decision by a circuit court judge ordering copyrights for four editions of Fetzer’s book, “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook,” to be turned over to Pozner, as well as two domain names, in exchange for a credit on the judgment against Fetzer.

Pflum led the efforts in the trial court, developing a plan for the case, drafting briefs and successfully arguing the matter in court.

“These books inspired threats of violence against our client and other parents of children murdered with his son,” said Feinstein. “They legitimized the stories of Dr. Fetzer and others like him who sought attention through publicizing their hoaxer theories. This victory is important and will make a difference, ensuring our client can now prevent the re-publication of the content of these books.”

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