"These Kids Need Lawyers: Why and How the United States Must Provide the Right to Appointed Counsel for Detained Unaccompanied Children"
Adrielli Ferrer
23 San Diego Int'l L.J. 71
Public Finance for Non-Bond Attorneys
Presenter: Thomas Cameron
2021 Municipal Attorneys Institute, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
"Navigating the Ethical Landmines of Handling Your Own Appeal, San Diego County Bar Association"
Jeff Michalowski
San Diego County Bar Association - For the Record
"Family Limited Partnerships"
By: Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE)'s Business Partnerships 2021 Edition
"Conversions of Private Foundations to Donor Advised Funds"
By: Kirk A. Hoopingarner
American Endowment Foundation
"Legal Protections for Business"
Co-Presenter: Lucy R. Dollens
Zionsville Women in Network
"Amicus Update"
Author: Lucy R. Dollens
DTCI Quarterly Newsletter
"How Good Decisions Can Go Wrong: Lawful Conduct Can Lead to Lawsuits"
California Employment Law Council
"Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law and Pharmaceutical Supply Chain"
By: Roger N. Morris, Lindsay Holmes
American Health Lawyers Association
"Trends Related to Licensing Intellectual Property Out of University and Research Institutions"
Panelist: Michele N. Washington, Ph.D.
Intellectual Property Law Section of the San Diego County Bar Association,
"Enhancing the Effectiveness of Your Team"
N. Cornell Boggs, III
Ascent Leadership Network (Webinar)
"Pharmacy Law Update"
By: Roger N. Morris, Ashley L. Strait
Arizona Pharmacy Association
What Tax Court's Mylan Legal Fee Ruling Means for IP Suits
Michele N. Washington, Ph.D.
"4th Annual Managing Law Firm Profitability, Pricing and Data Analytics Conference"
Christopher W. Emerson
Virtual Webinar
"Patent Prosecution Update"
Co-Presenter: Michele N. Washington, Ph.D.
19th Annual Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property & Technology Law Institute
“National Golf Day goes virtual"
Golf Course Management Magazine
Blog - Protecting the Product
"How to Prepare for the MPJE"
By: Roger N. Morris
Midwestern University School of Pharmacy
"Intellectual Property Basics for Student Entrepreneurs"
Joel E. Tragesser
Westfield High School
"Environmental Justice: Energy Equity and Transitions"
Pilar M. Thomas
Resources for the Future (RFF) and the Urban Institute Webinar
"Governmental Finance — Municipal and Tribal"
Samantha Skenandore
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Legal Forum Webinar