"Chapter 5—Family Limited Partnerships"
By Kirk A. Hoopingarner
Business Partnerships Book - Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education
Filling the Gap of Domestic Violence Protection: Returning Human Rights to U.S. Victims
Melanie C. Kalmanson
43 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 1359
"Almost Enough to Make You Wannacry: Identifying the Risks, Handling Claims, and the Role of Insurance in Data Breach and Cyber Security, presented as part of 'Trending Topics in Business Litigation 2017'"
By Jeffrey O. Davis
State Bar of Wisconsin
"Review: Kurt B. Anderson, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire"
James I. Kaplan
The National Book Review
"Nike’s De Minimis Defense Wins Bag Check Case"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"Catfish in the Rye" - Managing Student and Employee Use of Social Media"
California Council of School Attorneys Annual Workshop
“Gender and Its Role in Forming Undergraduate Residence Life Communities"
Marquette University Research Fair for Honors Program Research Fellows
"Panic Buttons and Your Hotel: How To Comply with Chicago's New Ordinance"
Brian A. Hartstein
1871 Lunch & Learn Program (Chicago, Illinois)
Teaching Your Team How Attorney-Client Privilege Works and Why They Should Care
Joshua D. Maggard
Waukesha County Bar Association Annual Legal Ethics Seminar
"Teaching Corporate Employees How Attorney-Client Privilege Works (and Doesn't Work), and Why They Should Care"
Joshua D. Maggard, Alexandra W. Shortridge
2017 Annual Ethics Presentation, Waukesha County Bar
Teaching Corporate Employees How Attorney-Client Privilege Works (and Doesn't Work), and Why They Should Care
Joshua D. Maggard
Quarles & Brady Annual Legal Ethics Seminar
"Using Environmental Insurance"
By Michael S. Mostow
Chemical Industry Council of Illinois
"Compensating, Evaluating and Retaining Your Firm's Most Valuable Assets – Your People"
Ony Beverly, co-presenter
The Chicago Bar Association Think Tank for Pro Bono and Solo Practitioners
"2017 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
By Roger Morris
American Society for Pharmacy Law
"Advanced Deposition Preparation"
Daniel M. Long
DRI Asbestos Medicine Seminar
The Case for Regulating Siting of Wind Turbine Farms in Texas
Abbey Coufal
Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal, Volume 19
"Review: Danielle Allen, Cuz: The Life and Times of Michael A."
James I. Kaplan
The National Book Review
"Report Writing Workshop"
PPSC Annual Employment Law Seminar
"Spooked by Data Breaches: How to Navigate Global Data Protection and Privacy Requirements and Avoid Data Breach Nightmares"
By Heather L. Buchta
State Bar of Arizona International Law Section
"California Court of Appeal Orders Administrative Wage Claim to Arbitration"
Aaron Buckley
Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin
"New Developments"
PPSC Annual Employment Law Update
"Top Seven Employment Mistakes"
UC San Diego Health Leadership Academy
"Employment Law Update"
PPSC Annual Employment Law Seminar