"Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
Roger Morris and Luis Lanz
Sponsored by Amazon Legal Department
"Corporate Counsel Roundtable with Networking Lunch"
General Counsel Panel Moderators - Jacob Bradley and Joel Tragesser
Co-hosted by Major, Lindsey & Africa and Quarles & Brady LLP
"When a Good Interactive Process Goes Wrong: Top Tips and Strategies for Better Accommodating Medical Restrictions"
"Thank you, Next: Best Hiring, Recruiting, & Background-Check Practices"
"Mental Health Accommodations: Real Life Strategies for Helping Employees Succeed and Avoiding Litigation"
"Unpacking Unconscious Bias"
Blog - Protecting the Product
"Kennedy v. Bremerton"
Paul Plevin Annual Seminar
"ACC Indiana General Counsel Roundtable"
Moderator: Joel Tragesser
Quarles & Brady LLP
"Protecting Designs in the Virtual World"
James Aquilina
2022 Design Rights Boot Camp
"Advanced Design Patent Prosecution including Responding to Objections and Rejections"
James Aquilina
2022 Design Rights Boot Camp
"Double, Double Toil and Trouble: Avoiding Regulatory Pitfalls Related to Thy Hubs Interactions"
Presenter: Simone Colgan Dunlap
American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar DPL XXXIII
"Case Law Update"
Roger Morris and James Ruble
Sponsored by American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL)
"Discovery Tools and Related Evidentiary Issues"
Brittany Ogden
Wisconsin State Bar Annual Bankruptcy Update
Megan Center
Franchise Law Journal Vol. 42, No. 2
Product Liability Desk Reference, A Fifty-State Compendium: State of Wisconsin Chapter
Author: Patrick Nolan
"In-House Session"
Moderator: Cornell Boggs, III
2022 LCLD Fellows
"The Impact of the Dobbs Decision on Pharmacy"
Jaya White, Edward Rickert
NACDS Pharmacy Compliance Roundtable
Blog - Protecting the Product
"EEK! The Government's Increased Use of EKRA (the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act) in Health Care Enforcement Actions"
Kirti Vaidya Reddy
American Health Law Association
"Northwest: Growing Your ESG Practice: Internal and External Priorities"
Cornell Boggs, III
Legal Marketing Association
The Brewing Battle: Copyright vs. Linking
Marta Rocha
Berkeley Tech. L.J. 35, 1179
"The Acceleration of Technology"
Presenter: Simone Colgan Dunlap
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) Annual Meeting & Expo - Technology Workshop