Brad Vynalek Writes Phoenix Business Journal Article About How to Maximize Value of Mentorship


Quarles & Brady President Brad Vynalek wrote an article for the Phoenix Business Journal offering advice on how people can make the most out of formal and informal professional mentorship they receive.

Vynalek outlined five steps mentees can take to maximize the value of mentoring relationships, noting how important it is for mentees to take an active role in the process. An excerpt:

And don’t be shy about asking to connect with folks: I can assure you from firsthand experience that leaders find mentorship – helping someone grow, sharing lessons learned – immensely enjoyable and gratifying.

I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today without the generous circle of mentors – both inside and outside my own profession – who have offered me guidance, support, and insight throughout my career. No one makes it to a leadership position alone and you don’t stay there alone.

With that said, it’s crucial that mentees understand that every good relationship is a two-way street. Just because you have an official mentorship program doesn’t mean you should play a passive role. You only get out of mentorship what you put in.

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