About Abigail

Creating and administering trusts and estates

Abigail Bogli assists individuals and families in the creation of estate plans that reflect the client’s personal and financial wishes, including advising clients on multigenerational wealth preservation, tax planning, charitable planning and the efficient administration of trusts and estates. Abigail enjoys learning about the dynamics of families and incorporating creative and individualized approaches to each estate plan, which includes:

  • Estate planning
  • Estate and trust administration
  • Succession planning

Experience in Action

  • Prepares estate plans that carry out individual and family wishes while minimizing taxes and administrative burdens. Abigail aims for comprehensive and efficient solutions to achieve clients’ financial, business and tax goals.
  • Works with both individual and corporate trustees and personal representatives to effectively administer trusts and estates, with the objective of making the process efficient and straightforward for clients.
  • Assists clients with planning and making lifetime gifts and prepares gift tax returns. In particular, she focuses on providing individualized plans to achieve tax efficient results while achieving clients’ gifting goals.

Professional & Civic Activities

  • State Bar of Wisconsin, member
  • U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, internship (2018)
  • Honorable Ann Walsh Bradley, Wisconsin Supreme Court, judicial intern (2020)


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