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Business Law Training Series

The Quarles Business Law Training (BLT) seminar/webinar series is a source of thought-leadership communications with clients on important business law-related issues that a wide range of organizations, industries and entities, including multinational corporations, privately held and emerging companies, educational and research institutions, private equity funds and family offices, and charitable organizations face. The presentations are primarily geared for in-house counsel, business owners and c-suite executives, and are offered for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in certain jurisdictions.

Our goal is to share our colleagues’ real-world guidance and practical experience with your businesses and companies on a wide range of topics, such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A), commercial law, regulatory and compliance, and governance, as well as intellectual property, litigation, labor and employment, employee benefits, environmental, immigration, data privacy and real estate. Our programming is designed to simplify the complex and offer practical takeaways to help our clients understand various risks and opportunities. If you have a future topic suggestion for our BLT series, please reach out to anyone listed on the contacts page.

Prior Business Law Webinar Topics

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